New Collective Agreement-Retro Pay

I have received many emails asking questions regarding retro pay for the 2023/2024 school year. Once the Collective Agreement has been officially signed by all parties, the payroll department will start working on the calculations. This will take some time to complete. For those members that have resigned or retired in the past year, or for those on a term that are not returning to the Division next year, you have 45 days from the time of signing to request the retro pay. You can do this by emailing the MANTE payroll officer, Navdeep Kaler and Cc’ing the Supervisor of Payroll, Brenda Ullmann. Once the document has officially been signed, I will post an update on the webpage. There is no reason to email the payroll department regarding this until I have posted the official Collective Agreement signing date. Keep checking the website for those details.

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Check Division News

Just a reminder to check the Division News tile in portal. Often there is information posted in there regarding special offers for all St James-Assiniboia staff members. There is also a link posted there to important information regarding EI.

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Ratification Vote Results

Thank you to everyone that came out for the vote tonight. The results are: 164 YES (Accept) 33 NO (Reject)

Attached is a copy of the Memorandum of Settlement that was voted on tonight. I will leave this up to be viewed until the new Collective Agreement is ready to post.

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Ratification Date

The Association is happy to report that we have reached a tentative agreement with the division and are ready to present this agreement to our membership. We will be holding a ratification vote on June 19th, 2024 at 5pm in the Sturgeon Heights Collegiate Theatre. Our lawyer, Adrian Frost, from Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP will be on hand to go through the package and answer any questions. Once the information has been presented, the ratification vote will take place. You must be in attendance, hearing the information firsthand, to take part in the vote. We encourage all members to be in attendance if possible. We look forward to seeing you all.

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June Newsletter

The June newsletter has been posted under the Newsletter tab. In this months addition you will find important EI information as well as a list of all our retirees for the year.

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PD committee Rep opening

The Professional Development Committee has an opening for a secretarial representative. All PD applications are discussed and voted on by the PD committee. As part of this committee your input will be valued and respected. The committee has an annual meeting which you would also be part of. If you would like to put your name forth for this committee, please email myself at by June 11th, 2024.

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AGM results

Thank you to all who attended the AGM on May 22nd. It was great to see so many familiar faces as well as so many new faces. I know that it can be tough to make it to the meeting as many of us have evening commitments that take priority. The minutes for a general meeting are always open to the membership. Once the minutes have been accepted and passed at our next Executive meeting (June 11th) they will be available to view if you wish. Please send me an email if you would like to read the minutes. Several motions were voted on by the 60 members that were present. The results of those votes are as follows:

Motion 1 – Presidents time commitment: Part Time – 9 votes, Full time – 51 votes. President will remain at a full-time position for the 2024/2025 school year

Motion 2 – Dissolve Information Officer and one EA rep: Yes – 57 votes, No – 3 votes Both positions will be removed from the Constitution

Motion 3 – Updates to the Constitution: Yes – 58 votes, No – 2 votes All updates to the Constitution will be made

Motion 4 – Updates to the Standing Rules: Yes – 57 votes, No – 3 votes All updates to the Standing Rules will be made

Motion 5 – Decrease to the President and Vice President’s stipend: Yes – 43 votes, No – 17 votes Stipends will be reduced for those two positions

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the membership for your support throughout this past year. It has been a learning curve and I have been trying my best to ensure that the membership has been heard and represented. I look forward to continuing in this role next school year.

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AGM reminder May 22nd

The 2023/2024 AGM is booked for May 22nd at ANAVETS located at 3584 Portage Avenue. The meeting will start promptly at 5pm. Refreshments will be provided starting at 4:45pm so that everyone has an opportunity to grab some food before the meeting starts.

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Discount insurance offer

Gemstar Insurance has proudly teamed up with Intact Insurance to provide St. James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association a group discount on home insurance and has extended this offer to members and retirees of MANTE. The offer contains a Group Discount for home insurance. In addition, Intact will also waive their financing fee. Intact Insurance will also include their “Intact Assistance” product at no charge, which provides free legal advice, family care assistance and online referral resources. If you would like more information regarding this offer, please contact the MANTE office and I will send you the specifics.

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May Newsletter

The May newsletter is now available under the newsletter tab. In this months issue you will find information regarding the upcoming AGM nominations.

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