- Name
- Objectives and Purposes
- Interpretation
- Membership
- Finance
- Officers / Reps
- Executive Committee
- Meetings of Members
- Committees
- Amendments
- Bylaws and Resolutions
- Permanency of the Association
Section A
Standing Committees and volunteers
The Executive Committee shall, at its first meeting of the year, elect members from within the Executive to oversee the following:
- Collective Bargaining (only when it’s a Negotiations year)
- Health & Welfare
- Pension
- Other Committees as may be established by the Executive Committee as required
Section B
Duties of Committees
- Collective Bargaining
The collective bargaining committee shall:
- Ascertain the concerns of Association members with respect to proposing changes in the collective agreement entered into between the St James Assiniboia School Division and the Association.
- Present the proposed changes to the Executive Committee for endorsement.
- Negotiate with the St James Assiniboia School Division.
- Regularly inform the Executive Committee of the progress of negotiations.
- Present after Executive Committee approval, the negotiated agreement to be ratified by a majority of those members present at a meeting called to ratify the collective agreement.
- Be responsible for the signing of the collective agreement by Executive Committee Secretary and the President or in the absence of the secretary, one other Executive Committee member must sign.
- Grievance Committee
The Vice-President will be responsible for the Grievance Committee and shall with the assistance of the appropriate classification representative involved, if required in said grievance, be responsible for:
- Reviewing all grievances before submitting to the Division.
- Evaluating and submitting grievances to arbitration.
- Reporting all pending arbitration to the Executive Committee as soon as possible.
- Summarizing the outcome of grievances and reporting same to Executive Committee.
- Health & Welfare
The Health & Welfare representative will be responsible for seeing to the needs of members as set out in the Health & Welfare policy.
- Nominating
The nominating committee shall:
- Be responsible for preparing a slate of at least one (1) candidate for each executive committee office to be presented for election at the Association’s annual general meeting.
- Request nominations from the membership through the MANTE website, and email.
- Prepare a slate of officers for presentation to the membership.
- Verify the current membership of each nominee in the Association and secure their written consent to the nomination. All members nominated must be included on the final slate of candidates.
- Advise members of the Association of a complete slate of candidates by email at least one (1) week prior to the annual general meeting. A brief resume of the background of candidates shall be included.
- Pension
The pension representative shall:
- Represent the Association on the St James Assiniboia School Division pension committee.
- Submit a report to Executive Committee and membership, when deemed necessary and whenever the pension committee takes any action.
- Sit on the Executive Committee
- Note: This is an elected position that reports to the Executive but is not a voting member. This position is elected at the Annual General Meeting every 5 years or if it becomes vacant.
- Special Committees
The Executive Committee shall set up the duties of special committees when such special committees are established.
Section C
Appointed Committees
- The Executive Committee may appoint committees, which shall be of such size and shall have such duties as the Executive may determine.
- Appointment to sit on these committees shall be made by the Executive on an as need basis.